Source code for viresclient._data_handling

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handles the WPS requests to the VirES server
# Authors: Ashley Smith <>
#          Martin Paces <>
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2018 EOX IT Services GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies of this Software or works derived from this Software.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile

import cdflib
import netCDF4
import numpy
import pandas
import xarray

from ._wps import time_util

if == "nt":
    import atexit

from ._data import CONFIG_AEOLUS

CDF_EPOCH_1970 = 62167219200000.0

ALLOWED_SPACECRFTS = ["A", "B", "C", "1", "2", "-"]

# Frame names to use as xarray dimension names
    "NEC": ["B_NEC", "B_OB", "B_CF", "B_SV", "sigma_OB", "sigma_CF", "sigma_SV"],
    "VFM": ["B_VFM", "dB_Sun", "dB_AOCS", "dB_other", "B_error"],
    "quaternion": ["q_NEC_CRF"],
    "WGS84": ["GPS_Position", "LEO_Position"],
    "EEJ_QDLat": ["EEJ"],
    "NE": ["J_NE", "J_CF_NE", "J_DF_NE", "B_NE"],
# Reverse mapping of the above
for framename, datanameset in FRAME_NAMES.items():
    for dataname in datanameset:
        DATANAMES_TO_FRAME_NAMES[dataname] = framename
# Labels to use for suffixes on expanded columns in pandas dataframe
#   and on dimension coordinates in xarray
    "NEC": ["N", "E", "C"],
    "VFM": ["i", "j", "k"],
    "quaternion": ["1", "i", "j", "k"],
    "WGS84": ["X", "Y", "Z"],
    "EEJ_QDLat": numpy.linspace(-20, 20, 81),
    "NE": ["N", "E"],
    "NEC": "NEC frame - North, East, Centre (down)",
    "NE": "Horizontal NE frame - North, East",
    "VFM": "Vector Field Magnetometer instrument frame",
    "EEJ_QDLat": "Quasi-dipole latitude profile between -20 and 20 degrees from the EEF product",

class FileReader:
    """Provides access to file contents (wrapper around cdflib)"""

    def __init__(

            file (file-like or str)
        if filetype.lower() == "cdf":
            self._cdf = self._open_cdf(file)
            globalatts = self._cdf.globalattsget()
            self.sources = self._ensure_list(
                globalatts.get("ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_NAMES", [])
            self.magnetic_models = self._ensure_list(
                globalatts.get("MAGNETIC_MODELS", [])
            self.data_filters = self._ensure_list(globalatts.get("DATA_FILTERS", []))
            self.variables = self._get_attr_or_key(self._cdf.cdf_info(), "zVariables")
            self._varatts = {var: self._cdf.varattsget(var) for var in self.variables}
            self._varinfo = {var: self._cdf.varinq(var) for var in self.variables}
            self._time_variable = time_variable
            self._secondary_time_variables = (
                secondary_time_variables if secondary_time_variables else []
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{filetype} not supported")

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):
        except AttributeError:

    def _open_cdf(file):
            f =
        except AttributeError:
            f = file
            return cdflib.cdfread.CDF(f, string_encoding="utf-8")
        except TypeError:
            return cdflib.cdfread.CDF(f)

    def _ensure_list(attribute):
        if isinstance(attribute, str):
            return [attribute]
            return attribute

    def _get_attr_or_key(obj, attr):
        # Used to work around cdflib<1 & >=1 support
        # cdflib>=1 introduces dataclasses in place of some dicts
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            return obj.get(attr, None)
            return getattr(obj, attr, None)

    def get_variable(self, var):
        parser = self._get_data_parser(var)
            data = parser(self._cdf.varget(var))
        except ValueError:
            data = None
        if data is None:
            shape = [0, *self.get_variable_dimsizes(var)]
            data = numpy.empty(shape)
        return data

    def get_variable_units(self, var):
        return self._varatts[var].get("UNITS", "")

    def get_variable_description(self, var):
        desc = self._varatts[var].get("DESCRIPTION", "")
        catdesc = self._varatts[var].get("CATDESC", "")
        return desc if desc else catdesc

    def get_variable_numdims(self, var):
        return self._get_attr_or_key(self._varinfo[var], "Num_Dims")

    def get_variable_dimsizes(self, var):
        return self._get_attr_or_key(self._varinfo[var], "Dim_Sizes")

    def _cdftime_to_datetime(t):
            return pandas.to_datetime((t - CDF_EPOCH_1970) / 1e3, unit="s")
        except TypeError:
            return []

    def _get_data_parser(self, var):
        def default_parser(data):
            return data

        def time_parser(data):
            return self._cdftime_to_datetime(data)

        if var == self._time_variable or var in self._secondary_time_variables:
            return time_parser
            return default_parser

    def as_pandas_dataframe(self, expand=False):
        # Use the variables in the file as columns to create in the dataframe.
        # Skip Timestamp as it will be used as the index.
        columns = set(self.variables)
        # Split columns according to those to be expanded into multiple columns
        if expand:
            columns_to_expand = {
                for c in columns
                if c in DATANAMES_TO_FRAME_NAMES.keys() or "B_NEC" in c
            # Avoid conflict with 2D AOB_FAC Quality variable
            # when accessing AUX_OBS Quality
            if any(["AUX_OBS" in s for s in self.sources]):
            columns_to_expand = set()
        columns_standard = columns.difference(columns_to_expand)
        # Initialise dataframe with Timestamp as index
        df = pandas.DataFrame(index=self.get_variable(self._time_variable)) = self._time_variable
        # Return empty dataframe, including column names
        #  when retrieval from server is empty
        if len(df.index) == 0:
            for column in columns_standard:
                df[column] = None
            for column in columns_to_expand:
                framename = DATANAMES_TO_FRAME_NAMES.get(column, "NEC")
                suffixes = FRAME_LABELS[framename]
                for suffix in suffixes:
                    df[column + "_" + str(suffix)] = None
            return df
        # Separately add non-expanded and expanded columns
        for column in columns_standard:
            df[column] = list(self.get_variable(column))
        for column in columns_to_expand:
            vector_data = self.get_variable(column)
            framename = DATANAMES_TO_FRAME_NAMES.get(column, "NEC")
            suffixes = FRAME_LABELS[framename]
            if len(vector_data.shape) > 2:
                raise NotImplementedError(f"{column}")
            if vector_data.shape[1] != len(suffixes):
                raise NotImplementedError(f"{column}")
            for i, suffix in enumerate(suffixes):
                df[column + "_" + str(suffix)] = vector_data[:, i]
        return df

    def as_xarray_dataset(self, reshape=False):
        # NB currrently does not set the global metadata (attrs)
        #  (avoids issues with concatenating them)
        #  (this is done in ReturnedData)
        # Initialise dataset with time coordinate
        ds = xarray.Dataset(
            coords={self._time_variable: self.get_variable(self._time_variable)}
        # Add Spacecraft variable as Categorical to save memory
        if "Spacecraft" in self.variables:
            ds["Spacecraft"] = (
                    self.get_variable("Spacecraft"), categories=ALLOWED_SPACECRFTS
        datanames = set(self.variables) - {self._time_variable, "Spacecraft"}
        # Loop through each variable available and append them to the Dataset,
        #  attaching the Timestamp coordinate to each.
        # Attach dimension names based on the name of the variable,
        #  with coordinate labels if available.
        dims_used = set()
        for dataname in datanames:
            data = self.get_variable(dataname)
            numdims = self.get_variable_numdims(dataname)
            # 1D case (scalar series)
            if numdims == 0:
                ds[dataname] = ((self._time_variable,), data)
            # 2D case (vector series)
            elif numdims == 1:
                if "B_NEC" in dataname:
                    dimname = "NEC"
                elif dataname in DATANAMES_TO_FRAME_NAMES.keys():
                    dimname = DATANAMES_TO_FRAME_NAMES[dataname]
                    dimname = "%s_dim1" % dataname
                ds[dataname] = (
                    (self._time_variable, dimname),
            # 3D case (matrix series), e.g. QDBasis
            elif numdims == 2:
                dimname1 = "%s_dim1" % dataname
                dimname2 = "%s_dim2" % dataname
                ds[dataname] = (
                    (self._time_variable, dimname1, dimname2),
                raise NotImplementedError("%s: array too complicated" % dataname)
        # Add named coordinates
        for dimname, dimlabels in FRAME_LABELS.items():
            if dimname in dims_used:
                ds[dimname] = numpy.array(dimlabels)
                ds = ds.set_coords(dimname)
        #         ds[dimname].attrs["description"] = FRAME_DESCRIPTIONS.get(
        #             dimname, None)
        #         ds = ds.set_coords(dimname)
        # Reshape to a sensible higher dimensional structure
        # Currently only for GVO data, and without magnetic model values or auxiliaries
        # Inefficient as it is duplicating the data (ds -> ds2)
        if reshape:
            ds = self.reshape_dataset(ds)
        # Add metadata of each variable
        for var in list(ds.data_vars) + list(ds.coords):
                ds[var].attrs["units"] = self.get_variable_units(var)
            except KeyError:
                ds[var].attrs["units"] = ""
                ds[var].attrs["description"] = self.get_variable_description(var)
            except KeyError:
                ds[var].attrs["description"] = FRAME_DESCRIPTIONS.get(var, "")
        # Remove unused Timestamp unit (-)
        # for xarray 0.17 compatibility when writing to netcdf
        ds[self._time_variable].attrs.pop("units", None)
        return ds

    def reshape_dataset(self, ds):
        if "SiteCode" in ds.data_vars:
            codevar = "SiteCode"
        elif "IAGA_code" in ds.data_vars:
            codevar = "IAGA_code"
            raise NotImplementedError(
                Only available for GVO dataset where the "SiteCode"
                parameter has been requested, or OBS dataset with "IAGA_code"
        # Create integer "Site" identifier based on SiteCode / IAGA_code
        sites = dict(enumerate(sorted(set(ds[codevar].values))))
        sites_inv = {v: k for k, v in sites.items()}
        if len(sites) == 0:
            _ds_locs = ds
            # Identify (V)OBS locations and mapping from integer "Site" identifier
            pos_vars = ["Longitude", "Latitude", "Radius", codevar]
            _ds_locs = next(iter(ds[pos_vars].groupby(self._time_variable)))[1]
            if len(sites) > 1:
                _ds_locs = _ds_locs.drop(self._time_variable).rename(
                    {self._time_variable: "Site"}
                _ds_locs = _ds_locs.drop(self._time_variable).expand_dims("Site")
            _ds_locs["Site"] = [
                sites_inv.get(code) for code in _ds_locs[codevar].values
            _ds_locs = _ds_locs.sortby("Site")
        # Create dataset initialised with the (V)OBS positional info as coords
        # and datavars (empty) reshaped to (Site, Timestamp, ...)
        t = numpy.unique(ds[self._time_variable])
        ds2 = xarray.Dataset(
                self._time_variable: t,
                codevar: (("Site"), _ds_locs[codevar].data),
                "Latitude": ("Site", _ds_locs["Latitude"].data),
                "Longitude": ("Site", _ds_locs["Longitude"].data),
                "Radius": ("Site", _ds_locs["Radius"].data),
                "NEC": ["N", "E", "C"],
        # (Dropping unused Spacecraft var)
        data_vars = set(ds.data_vars) - {
        N_sites = len(_ds_locs[codevar])
        # Create empty data variables to be infilled
        for var in data_vars:
            shape = [N_sites, len(t), *ds[var].shape[1:]]
            ds2[var] = ("Site", *ds[var].dims), numpy.empty(shape, dtype=ds[var].dtype)
            ds2[var][...] = None
        # Loop through each (V)OBS site to infill the data
        if N_sites != 0:
            for k, _ds in dict(ds.groupby(codevar)).items():
                site = sites_inv.get(k)
                for var in data_vars:
                    ds2[var][site, ...] = _ds[var].values
        # Revert to using only the "SiteCode"/"IAGA_code" identifier
        ds2 = ds2.set_index({"Site": codevar})
        ds2 = ds2.rename({"Site": codevar})
        return ds2

def make_pandas_DataFrame_from_csv(csv_filename, time_variable="Timestamp"):
    """Load a csv file into a pandas.DataFrame

    Set the Timestamp as a datetime index.

        csv_filename (str)


        df = pandas.read_csv(csv_filename)
    except Exception:
        raise Exception("Bad or empty csv.")
    # Convert to datetime objects
    df[time_variable] = df[time_variable].apply(time_util.parse_datetime)
    # Convert the columns of vectors from strings to lists
    # Returns empty dataframe when retrieval from server is empty
    if len(df) != 0:
        # Convert the columns of vectors from strings to lists
        for col in df:
            if type(df[col][0]) is str:
                if df[col][0][0] == "{":
                    df[col] = df[col].apply(
                        lambda x: [float(y) for y in x.strip("{}").split(";")]
    df.set_index(time_variable, inplace=True)
    return df

[docs]class ReturnedDataFile: """For handling individual files returned from the server. Holds the data returned from the server and the data type. Data is held in a NamedTemporaryFile, which is automatically closed and destroyed when it goes out of scope. Provides output to different file types and data objects. """ def __init__(self, filetype=None, tmpdir=None, file_options=None): self._file_options = file_options or {} self._supported_filetypes = ("csv", "cdf", "nc") self.filetype = "" if filetype is None else filetype if tmpdir is not None: if not os.path.exists(tmpdir): raise Exception("tmpdir does not exist") if == "nt": self._file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="vires_", dir=tmpdir, delete=False ) self._file.close() atexit.register(os.remove, else: self._file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="vires_", dir=tmpdir) def __str__(self): return ( "viresclient ReturnedDataFile object of type " + self.filetype + "\nSave it to a file with .to_file('filename')" + "\nLoad it as a pandas dataframe with .as_dataframe()" + "\nLoad it as an xarray dataset with .as_xarray()" )
[docs] def open_cdf(self): """Returns the opened file as cdflib.CDF""" return FileReader._open_cdf(
def _write_new_data(self, data): """Replace the tempfile contents with 'data' (bytes)""" if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError("data must be of type bytes") # If on Windows, the file will be closed so needs to be re-opened: with open(, "wb") as temp_file: temp_file.write(data) def _write_file(self, filename): """Write the tempfile out to a regular file""" with open(, "rb") as temp_file: with open(filename, "wb") as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(temp_file, out_file) @property def filetype(self): """Filetype is one of ("csv", "cdf", "nc")""" return self._filetype @filetype.setter def filetype(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("filetype must be a string") value = value.lower() if value not in self._supported_filetypes: raise TypeError( f"Chosen filetype must be one of: {self._supported_filetypes}" ) self._filetype = value @staticmethod def _check_outfile(path, path_extension, overwrite=False): """Check validity of path and extension, and if it exists already""" if not isinstance(path, str): raise TypeError("path must be a string") if path.split(".")[-1].lower() != path_extension: raise TypeError(f"Filename extension should be {path_extension}") if os.path.isfile(path) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError( "File not written as it already exists and overwrite=False" )
[docs] def to_file(self, path, overwrite=False): """Saves the data to the specified file. Only write to file if it does not yet exist, or if overwrite=True. Currently handles CSV and CDF formats. Args: path (str): path to the file to save as overwrite (bool): Will overwrite existing file if True """ self._check_outfile(path, self.filetype, overwrite) self._write_file(path) print("Data written to", path)
[docs] def to_netcdf(self, path, overwrite=False): """Saves the data as a netCDF4 file (this is compatible with HDF5) Extension should be .nc """ self._check_outfile(path, "nc", overwrite) # Convert to xarray Dataset ds = self.as_xarray() ds.to_netcdf(path) print("Data written to", path)
[docs] def as_dataframe(self, expand=False): """Convert the data to a pandas DataFrame. Returns: pandas.DataFrame """ if self.filetype == "csv": if expand: raise NotImplementedError df = make_pandas_DataFrame_from_csv( elif self.filetype == "nc": df = self.as_xarray().to_dataframe() elif self.filetype == "cdf": with FileReader(self._file, **self._file_options) as f: df = f.as_pandas_dataframe(expand=expand) return df
[docs] def as_xarray(self, group=None, reshape=False): """Convert the data to an xarray Dataset. Note: Does not support csv Only supports scalar and 3D vectors (currently) Returns: xarray.Dataset """ if self.filetype == "csv": raise NotImplementedError("csv to xarray is not supported") elif self.filetype == "cdf": with FileReader(self._file, **self._file_options) as f: ds = f.as_xarray_dataset(reshape=reshape) elif self.filetype == "nc": # xarrays open_dataset does not retrieve data in groups # group needs to be specified while opening # we iterate here over the available groups # TODO: what happens with groups of different sizes and attributes nc = netCDF4.Dataset( ds = xarray.Dataset() # some datasets do not have groups if nc.groups: for group in nc.groups: ds = ds.merge( xarray.open_dataset(, group=group, engine="netcdf4" ) ) else: ds = xarray.open_dataset(, engine="netcdf4") # Go through Aeolus parameters and check if unit information is available # TODO: We are "flattening" the list of parameters, same parameter # id in different collection types could select incorrect one for parameter in ds: for coll_obj in CONFIG_AEOLUS["collections"].values(): for field_type in coll_obj.values(): if parameter in field_type and field_type[parameter]["uom"]: ds[parameter].attrs["units"] = field_type[parameter]["uom"] # TODO: Go through Swarm parameters return ds
[docs] def as_xarray_dict(self): """Convert the data to an xarray Dataset. Note: Only supports netCDF format Returns: dict of xarray.Dataset """ if self.filetype == "csv": raise NotImplementedError("csv to xarray dict is not supported") elif self.filetype == "cdf": raise NotImplementedError("cdf to xarray dict is not supported") elif self.filetype == "nc": result_dict = {} nc = netCDF4.Dataset( # some datasets do not have groups if nc.groups: for group in nc.groups: ds = xarray.Dataset() ds = ds.merge( xarray.open_dataset(, group=group, engine="netcdf4" ) ) for parameter in ds: for coll_obj in CONFIG_AEOLUS["collections"].values(): for field_type in coll_obj.values(): if ( parameter in field_type and field_type[parameter]["uom"] ): ds[parameter].attrs["units"] = field_type[ parameter ]["uom"] result_dict[group] = ds else: result_dict["group"] = xarray.open_dataset(, engine="netcdf4" ) return result_dict
@property def sources(self): if self.filetype == "nc": nc = netCDF4.Dataset( json_hist = json.loads(nc.history) sources = [ elem for elem in zip( json_hist["inputFiles"], json_hist["baselines"], json_hist["software_vers"], ) ] else: with FileReader(self._file, **self._file_options) as f: sources = f.sources return sources @property def magnetic_models(self): with FileReader(self._file, **self._file_options) as f: magnetic_models = f.magnetic_models return magnetic_models @property def data_filters(self): with FileReader(self._file, **self._file_options) as f: data_filters = f.data_filters return data_filters
[docs]class ReturnedData: """Flexible object for working with data returned from the server Holds a list of ReturnedDataFile objects under self.contents Example usage:: ... data = request.get_between(..., ...) data.sources data.data_filters data.magnetic_models data.as_xarray() data.as_xarray_dict() data.as_dataframe(expand=True) data.to_file() """ def __init__(self, filetype=None, N=1, tmpdir=None, file_options=None): self._time_variable = (file_options or {}).get("time_variable", "Timestamp") self.contents = [ ReturnedDataFile( filetype=filetype, tmpdir=tmpdir, file_options=file_options, ) for i in range(N) ] # filetype checking / conversion has been done in ReturnedDataFile self.filetype = self.contents[0].filetype def __str__(self): return ( "viresclient ReturnedData object of type " + self.filetype + "\nSave it to a file with .to_file('filename')" + "\nLoad it as a pandas dataframe with .as_dataframe()" + "\nLoad it as an xarray dataset with .as_xarray()" ) @property def filetype(self): """Filetype string""" return self._filetype @filetype.setter def filetype(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("filetype must be a string") self._filetype = value @property def sources(self): """Get list of source product identifiers.""" sources = set() for item in self._contents: sources.update(item.sources) return sorted(sources) @property def magnetic_models(self): """Get list of magnetic models used.""" models = set() for item in self._contents: models.update(item.magnetic_models) return sorted(models) @property def data_filters(self): """Get list of filters applied.""" filters = set() for item in self._contents: filters.update(item.data_filters) return sorted(filters) @property def contents(self): """List of ReturnedDataFile objects""" return self._contents @contents.setter def contents(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("ReturnedData.contents should be a list") for i in value: if not isinstance(i, ReturnedDataFile): raise TypeError( "Items in ReturnedData.contents should be" "of type ReturnedDataFile" ) self._contents = value
[docs] def as_dataframe(self, expand=False): """Convert the data to a pandas DataFrame. If expand is True, expand some columns, e.g.: B_NEC -> B_NEC_N, B_NEC_E, B_NEC_C B_VFM -> B_VFM_i, B_VFM_j, B_VFM_k Args: expand (bool) Returns: pandas.DataFrame """ return pandas.concat([d.as_dataframe(expand=expand) for d in self.contents])
[docs] def as_xarray(self, reshape=False): """Convert the data to an xarray Dataset. Args: reshape (bool): Reshape to a convenient higher dimensional form Returns: xarray.Dataset """ # ds_list is a list of xarray.Dataset objects # - they are created from each file in self.contents # Some of them may be empty because of the time window they cover # and the filtering that has been applied. ds_list = [] for i, data in enumerate(self.contents): ds_part = data.as_xarray(reshape=reshape) if ds_part is None: print( "Warning: ", "Unable to create dataset from part {} of {}".format( i + 1, len(self.contents) ), "\n(This part is likely empty)", ) else: ds_list.append(ds_part) ds_list = [i for i in ds_list if i is not None] if ds_list == []: return None elif len(ds_list) == 1: ds = ds_list[0] elif self._time_variable in ds_list[0].dims: # Address simpler concatenation case for VirES for Swarm # Timestamp always exists for Swarm, but is not present in Aeolus ds = xarray.concat(ds_list, dim=self._time_variable) else: # Address complex concatenation case for VirES for Aeolus dims = [d for d in list(ds_list[0].dims) if "array" not in d] if dims == []: return None elif len(dims) == 1: ds = xarray.concat(ds_list, dim=dims[0]) else: ds_list_per_dim = [] for d in dims: drop_dims = [dd for dd in dims if dd != d] ds_list_per_dim.append( xarray.concat( [_ds.drop_dims(drop_dims) for _ds in ds_list], dim=d ) ) ds = xarray.merge(ds_list_per_dim) # Set the original data sources and models used as metadata # only for cdf data types ds.attrs["Sources"] = self.sources if self.filetype == "cdf": ds.attrs["MagneticModels"] = self.magnetic_models ds.attrs["AppliedFilters"] = self.data_filters return ds
[docs] def as_xarray_dict(self): """Convert the data to a dict containing an xarray per group. Returns: dict of xarray.Dataset """ # ds_list is a list of xarray.Dataset objects # - they are created from each file in self.contents # Some of them may be empty because of the time window they cover # and the filtering that has been applied. ds_list = [] for i, data in enumerate(self.contents): ds_part = data.as_xarray_dict() if ds_part is None: print( "Warning: ", "Unable to create dataset from part {} of {}".format( i + 1, len(self.contents) ), "\n(This part is likely empty)", ) else: ds_list.append(ds_part) ds_list = [i for i in ds_list if i is not None] if ds_list == []: return None elif len(ds_list) == 1: # add sources to all dict as_xarray for xa_ds in ds_list[0].values(): xa_ds.attrs["Sources"] = self.sources ds_dict = ds_list[0] else: ds_dict = {} ds_list = [i for i in ds_list if i is not None] if ds_list == []: return None for group in ds_list[0]: group_list = [g[group] for g in ds_list if g is not None] ds_dict[group] = xarray.merge(group_list) ds_dict[group].attrs["Sources"] = self.sources return ds_dict
[docs] def to_files(self, paths, overwrite=False): """Saves the data to the specified files. Only write to file if it does not yet exist, or if overwrite=True. Currently handles CSV and CDF formats. Args: paths (list of str): paths to the files to save as overwrite (bool): Will overwrite existing file if True """ nfiles = len(self.contents) if not isinstance(paths, list) or not isinstance(paths[0], str): raise TypeError("paths must be a list of strings") if len(paths) != nfiles: raise Exception(f"Number of paths must equal number of files ({nfiles})") for path, retdata in zip(paths, self.contents): retdata.to_file(path, overwrite)
[docs] def to_file(self, path, overwrite=False): """Saves the data to the specified file, when data is only in one file. Only write to file if it does not yet exist, or if overwrite=True. Currently handles CSV and CDF formats. .. note:: This is currently only implemented for smaller data when the request has not been split into multiple requests - the limit is the equivalent of 50 days of 1Hz measurements. In these situations, you can still load the data as pandas/xarray objects (the contents of each file is automatically concatenated) and save them as a different file type. Or use ``.to_files()`` to save the split data directly. Args: path (str): path to the file to save as overwrite (bool): Will overwrite existing file if True """ if len(self.contents) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Data is split into multiple files. Use .to_files instead" ) self.contents[0].to_file(path, overwrite)