Release notes ============= Change log ---------- Changes from 0.11.4 to 0.11.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.available_times` usage with pandas 2.x Changes from 0.11.3 to 0.11.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Support for (L1B) FAST data Changes from 0.11.2 to 0.11.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added ``ignore_cached_models=True`` in :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.set_products` - Added description of model handling in docs Changes from 0.11.1 to 0.11.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix support for cdflib version 1.0 Changes from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``viresclient`` package now available through conda-forge - Added parameter to Swarm ``MAG`` collections: ``dF_Sun`` - Added GOCE ML magnetic dataset: ``GO_MAG_ACAL_CORR_ML`` Changes from 0.10.3 to 0.11.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - **Breaking change:** - :py:meth:`viresclient.ReturnedData` property ``.range_filters`` changed to ``.data_filters`` - Xarray datasets attributes (``.attrs`` property) have ``"RangeFilters"`` changed to ``"AppliedFilters"`` - Added new arbitrary data filter functionality, with new methods: - :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.set_range_filter` - :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.set_choice_filter` - :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.set_bitmask_filter` - :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.add_filter` - Added new collections for Swarm: - ``SW_PREL_EFIxIDM_2_`` (type ``EFI_IDM``: ion drift velocities & effective masses, SLIDEM project) - ``GO_MAG_ACAL_CORR`` (type ``MAG_GOCE``: magnetic data from the GOCE mission) - Added new collections for Aeolus: - ``ALD_U_N_1A`` - Fixed bug in merging multi-file datasets when loading as xarray Changes from 0.10.2 to 0.10.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added new collections: - ``SW_OPER_EFIxTIE_2_`` (type ``EFI_TIE``: ion temperatrues) - ``SW_EXPT_EFIx_TCT02`` & ``SW_EXPT_EFIx_TCT16`` (types ``EFI_TCT02``, ``EFI_TCT16``: cross-track ion flows) Changes from 0.10.1 to 0.10.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Removed upper version limits for dependencies Changes from 0.10.0 to 0.10.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Update Jinja2 dependency Changes from 0.9.1 to 0.10.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added functionality to support VirES for Aeolus. See - Added dependency: `netCDF4 `_ Changes from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.get_conjunctions` to fetch Swarm A/B conjunctions - Fixed compatibility with xarray v0.19 of ``reshape`` kwarg in :py:meth:`viresclient.ReturnedData.as_xarray` Changes from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added support for: - PRISM products (``SW_OPER_MITx_LP_2F``, ``SW_OPER_MITxTEC_2F``, ``SW_OPER_PPIxFAC_2F``) - Multi-mission magnetic products (``CS_OPER_MAG``, ``GRACE_x_MAG``, ``GFx_OPER_FGM_ACAL_CORR``) - Swarm spacecraft positions (``SW_OPER_MODx_SC_1B``) - Fixed missing auxiliary "dDst" - Fixed fetching longer time series of hourly observatory products - Added new progress bar that tracks processing of chunks in long requests Changes from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added support for: - VOBS products (Virtual Observatories), e.g. collection ``SW_OPER_VOBS_1M_2_`` - AUX_OBSH products (hourly ground observatory data) - Added :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.available_times` to query temporal availability of any collection - Added new ``reshape=True`` kwarg to :py:meth:`viresclient.ReturnedData.as_xarray` to enable optional reshaping of xarray datasets loaded from VOBS and AUX_OBS collections to higher-dimensional objects containing a new dimension (``IAGA_code`` for AUX_OBS and ``SiteCode`` for VOBS) - Added command line tool, ``viresclient clear_credentials``, to help delete the stored credentials - Changed tqdm progress bars to use ``tqdm.notebook`` when in Jupyter notebook (otherwise still uses plain tqdm) - Dropped ``"Timestamp"`` variable attribute ``"units"`` (i.e. ``ds["Timestamp"].attrs["units"]``) when loading as ``xarray.Dataset``, for compatibility with xarray 0.17 when saving as netcdf Changes from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix usage of cdflib v0.3.20 Changes from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix use of ``expand`` in ``.as_dataframe()`` for ``AUX_OBS`` Changes from 0.6.2 to 0.7.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added support for: - AUX_OBS products - AEBS products - MLI_SHA_2E - See :ref:`Available parameters for Swarm` for details of the collection and measurement names - Added :py:meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.available_observatories` to query the AUX_OBS collections to identify IAGA codes available within each collection Changes from 0.6.1 to 0.6.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added automatic initialisation of access token when running on VRE - Added new composed model aliases (shortcuts) Changes from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix to support the new EEFxTMS_2F baseline 02: - Product now available for Swarm Charlie (``C``) - ``EEF`` unit changed from ``V/m`` to ``mV/m`` - New measurement, ``EEJ`` - Variable renamed: ``flag`` to ``Flag`` Changes from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Provides access to ``MAGx_HR`` collections (50Hz magnetic measurements) - Allows pandas v1.0+ - Dataframe index name is now set to "Timestamp" (fixes regression in a previous version) Changes from 0.4.3 to 0.5.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - IGRF model series have changed name: ``IGRF-12`` is dropped in favour of ``IGRF`` which now provides the latest IGRF (currently IGRF-13) - ``request.available_collections("MAG")`` can now be called to filter by collection groups, *and now returns a dict instead of a list* - Improvements for ``xarray.Dataset`` support: - NEC now provided as named coordinates for ``B_NEC``-type variables - Similarly (VFM, quaternion, WGS84) coordinates also provided for the variables ["B_VFM", "dB_Sun", "dB_AOCS", "dB_other", "B_error"], ["q_NEC_CRF"], ["GPS_Position", "LEO_Position"] respectively - Metadata (units and description) are now set for each variable - (With xarray 0.14+, try ``xarray.set_options(display_style="html")`` for nicer output) Changes from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - AMPS is now accessible as a regular model on the DISC server, see:: request = SwarmRequest("") request.get_model_info(["AMPS"]) - xarray.Dataset objects now contain dimension names for all variables. Variables containing ``B_NEC`` get the ``NEC`` dimension name. - CHAOS model series have changed name: ``CHAOS-6-Core`` etc. is dropped for ``CHAOS-Core`` etc. which provides the latest version of the CHAOS models (currently CHAOS-7) - Better error message when authentication with server fails. - When in notebooks: Detect empty or invalid credentials (e.g. on first usage), direct user to the token generation page, and prompt for token input. - Added ``request.list_jobs()`` to give info on previous two jobs on the server (failed/running/succeeded). Changes from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed orbit number queries (get_orbit_number) - Added model sources to model info Changes from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added low level data upload API and CLI - Added set_token convenience function for quick configuration - Changed list of accessible models: - Removed ``MCO_SHA_2F``, ``SIFM`` - Added ``MF7``, ``LCS-1`` Changes from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issues with running on Windows - Enforcing Python v3.5+ for installation - Allowing higher versions of cdflib, pandas, and xarray - Added CLI configuration for setting server address and token - Metadata for source lineage is now easier to access (names of original ESA data files, details of models used, and filters applied). These are set as properties of :meth:`viresclient.ReturnedData` (i.e. ``data``) and as metadata (``.attrs``) in the ``Dataset`` returned from ``.as_xarray()``:: data.sources data.magnetic_models data.range_filters ds = data.as_xarray() ds.Sources ds.MagneticModels ds.RangeFilters - Added access to collections ``SW_OPER_IPDxIRR_2F`` - Added auxiliary data ``F107`` which is the hourly F10.7 value. This is in addition to ``F10_INDEX`` which was already present, which is a daily average. - Added possibility of accessing multiple collections simultaneously, e.g.:: request.set_collection("SW_OPER_MAGA_LR_1B", "SW_OPER_MAGC_LR_1B") - Added optional "expansion" of dataframes with:: data.as_dataframe(expand=True) This expands columns which contain vectors (e.g. ``B_NEC``) into separate columns named like: ``B_NEC_N``, ``B_NEC_E``, ``B_NEC_C``. This is recommended so that numpy operations will work on the columns. The default is ``expand=False`` to preserve the older behaviour. Changes from v0.2.6 to 0.3.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- - Service officially open to public through self-registration on - Token-based authentication added Changes from v0.2.5 to 0.2.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- - New model composition behaviour is implemented, extending what is possible with the ``models`` kwarg in :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.set_products` (with backwards compatibility). See demo in - New method :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.get_model_info` to fetch model details from server. - :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.available_models` is updated with these details. - New parameters in TEC collections: ``Elevation_Angle``, ``Absolute_VTEC``. - New parameters in auxiliaries: ``OrbitDirection``, ``QDOrbitDirection``. - The auxiliary ``Kp`` is now provided as the proper Kp value, and ``Kp10`` is provided with the old behaviour with the value of Kp*10. - Updated dependency on cdflib to v0.3.9, and xarray to allow both v0.10.x and v0.11.x. Changes from v0.2.4 to 0.2.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- - EFI collections have changed from ``SW_OPER_EFIx_PL_1B`` to ``SW_OPER_EFIx_LP_1B``, with different measurement variables - Added support for user-defined models by providing a .shc file path as the ``custom_model`` in :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.set_products`. Model evaluations and residuals will then be returned, named as "Custom_Model", in the same way as other models behave. - Added alternative input start and end times as ISO-8601 strings to :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.get_between` - Minor bug fixes Changes from v0.2.1 to v0.2.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- - Added models CHAOS-6-MMA-Primary and CHAOS-6-MMA-Secondary Changes from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- - Improved performance of pandas and xarray loading from cdf. - Added ``nrecords_limit`` option to :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.get_between` to override the default maximum number of records in each request. Use this if a request is failing with a server error that the maximum allowable number of records has been exceeded - but this means that there is probably duplicate data on the server (old and new versions), so check the data that gets returned:: data = request.get_between(start_time, end_time, nrecords_limit=3456000) ds = data.as_xarray() # Identify negative time jumps np.where(np.diff(ds["Timestamp"]).astype(float) < 0) # e.g [2519945, 5284745, 5481414] for i in [2519945, 5284745, 5481414]: print(ds.isel(Timestamp=i)) # Length of day should be 86400 ds.sel(Timestamp='2014-02-02') - Added ``tmpdir`` option to :meth:`viresclient.SwarmRequest.get_between` to override the default temporary file directory. The default is selected automatically according to (usually /tmp). This may not be suitable when fetching large amounts of data as some machines may have limited space available in /tmp or there may be a higher performance or preferred location. Changes from v0.1.0 to v0.2.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- - Now use ``SwarmRequest`` instead of ``ClientRequest``. - kwarg ``subsample`` changed to ``sampling_step``. - Added references to .available_collections() and .available_models(). - User credentials are automatically stored in a configuration file ``~/.viresclient.ini``. - Downloads are streamed to temporary files instead of being held in memory. - Any size request is now supported. Large requests are automatically chunked up. - Added download progress bar indicating size in MB. - xarray added as a dependency and ``.as_xarray()`` method added.